Saturday, April 12, 2008

A memorable 11April

11April was a memorable day, not only for me, but for my Choir students too.

It's not exactly our first exchange. We had it last year with 2 more secondary schools. But this time is different because we went to the school itself and this isn't a SYF year so it's not so stressful. We had lot of fun! Thanks for the warm welcome, refreshment and games planned by BPS! And thank you for teaching us the bright and beautiful song. :)

For the complete set of photos that were taken, pls go to my flickr account:

Here are some of the snapshots of the games that we played:

Picture 066 Picture 041

The new friends made:

new friends 8 new friends 7 new friends 6 new friends 5
new friends2 new friends1 new friends3

We end our day with a bright and beautiful song, sung by BPS and Serangoon Choir. You have made my day because my stomach pain and vomitting have stopped finally.

Last but not least, we went back happily with a box of chocolate :)

chocolate, chocolate AND MORE CHOCOLATES! Look at their faces ... :)


Although vomit and stomach pain for the past 2 days, my body was really weak and felt very sleepy after taking the medicine. However, I felt much better after the Exchange.

Perhaps, laughters are still the best medicine.

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